Institut Charles Sadron Equipement

UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer Cary 5000 acheté le 2013-06-28

High performance UV-visible-NIR spectrophotometer (measurement range : 175 -3300 nm) equipped with a set of accessories : sample holders for cuvettes, thin films and powders; internal integrating sphere (DRA 2500) to perform reflectance and transmittance measurements (200-2500 nm); linear polarizers (350 -2300 nm); temperature controlled multicell holder for cuvettes (-10 à 100 °C) and Linkam hot-stage for solid samples (up to 300°C).

Responsable : De Maria Anaïs
Localisation : E348
Visiblité : externe
Provenance : fabricant
Réservable : oui