Institut Charles Sadron Membre

Thierry Charitat

More information Reasearch and Teaching activities on MCube


Walzel, F.; Requier, A.; Boschi, K.; Farago, J.; Fuchs, P.; Thalmann, F.; Drenckhan, W.; Muller, P.; Charitat, T. (2022), Perturbing the catenoid: Stability and mechanical properties of nonaxisymmetric minimal surfaces,Physical Review E,106(1) : link


Mukhina, T.; Gerelli, Y.; Hemmerle, A.; Koutsioubas, A.; Kovalev, K.; Teulon, J.-M.; Pellequer, J.-L.; Daillant, J.; Charitat, T.; Fragneto, G. (2021), Insertion and activation of functional Bacteriorhodopsin in a floating bilayer,Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science,597() : 370-382 link


Benedetti, F.; Fu, L.; Thalmann, F.; Charitat, T.; Rubin, A.; Loison, C. (2020), Coarse-Grain Simulations of Solid Supported Lipid Bilayers with Varying Hydration Levels,Journal Of Physical Chemistry B,124(38) : 8287-8298 link

Farago, J.; Charitat, T.; Bigot, A.; Schotter, R.; Kulic, I. (2020), Counterrotation of magnetic beads in spinning fields,Physical Review E,102(4) : link

Arjmandi-Tash, H.; Lima, L.M.C.; A Belyaeva, L.; Mukhina, T.; Fragneto, G.; Kros, A.; Charitat, T.; Schneider, G.F. (2020), Encapsulation of Graphene in the Hydrophobic Core of a Lipid Bilayer,Langmuir : the ACS Journal of Surfaces and Colloids,36(48) : 14478-14482 link


Salamone, S.; Schulmann, N.; Benzerara, O.; Meyer, H.; Charitat, T.; Marques, C.M. (2019), The role of shape disorder in the collective behaviour of aligned fibrous matter,Soft Matter,15(12) : 2657-2665 link

Mukhina, T.; Hemmerle, A.; Rondelli, V.; Gerelli, Y.; Fragneto, G.; Daillant, J.; Charitat, T. (2019), Attractive Interaction between Fully Charged Lipid Bilayers in a Strongly Confined Geometry,Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters,10(22) : 7195-7199 link


Blachon, F.; Harb, F.; Munteanu, B.; Piednoir, A.; Fulcrand, R.; Charitat, T.; Fragneto, G.; Pierre-Louis, O.; Tinland, B.; Rieu, J.-P. (2017), Nanoroughness Strongly Impacts Lipid Mobility in Supported Membranes,Langmuir,33(9) : 2444-2453 link


Hemmerle, A.; Fragneto, G.; Daillant, J.; Charitat, T. (2016), Reduction in Tension and Stiffening of Lipid Membranes in an Electric Field Revealed by X-Ray Scattering,Physical Review Letters,116(22) : link

Fu, L.; Favier, D.; Charitat, T.; Gauthier, C.; Rubin, A. (2016), A new tribological experimental setup to study confined and sheared monolayers,Review Of Scientific Instruments,87(3) : link


Bauer, M.; Kekicheff, P.; Iss, J.; Fajolles, C.; Charitat, T.; Daillant, J.; Marques, C.M. (2015), Sliding tethered ligands add topological interactions to the toolbox of ligand-receptor design,Nature Communications,6() : link

Hemmerle, A.; Froehlicher, G.; Bergeron, V.; Charitat, T.; Farago, J. (2015), Worm-like instability of a vibrated sessile drop,Epl,111(2) : link


Weber, G.; Charitat, T.; Baptista, M.S.; Uchoa, A.F.; Pavani, C.; Junqueira, H.C.; Guo, Y.; Baulin, V.A.; Itri, R.; Marques, C.M.; Schroder, A.P. (2014), Lipid oxidation induces structural changes in biomimetic membranes,Soft Matter,10(24) : 4241-4247 link


Bauer, M.; Bernhardt, M.; Charitat, T.; Kekicheff, P.; Fajolles, C.; Fragneto, G.; Marques, C.M.; Daillant, J. (2013), Membrane insertion of sliding anchored polymers,Soft Matter,9(5) : 1700-1710 link


Hemmerle, A.; Malaquin, L.; Charitat, T.; Lecuyer, S.; Fragneto, G.; Daillant, J. (2012), Controlling interactions in supported bilayers from weak electrostatic repulsion to high osmotic pressure,Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America,109(49) : 19938-19942 link

Bauer, M.; Charitat, T.; Fajolles, C.; Fragneto, G.; Daillant, J. (2012), Insertion properties of cholesteryl cyclodextrins in phospholipid membranes: a molecular study,Soft Matter,8(4) : 942-953 link


Bauer, M.; Fajolles, C.; Charitat, T.; Wacklin, H.; Daillant, J. (2011), Amphiphilic Behavior of New Cholesteryl Cyclodextrins: A Molecular Study,Journal Of Physical Chemistry B,115(51) : 15263-15270 link


Malaquin, L.; Charitat, T.; Daillant, J. (2010), Supported bilayers: Combined specular and diffuse X-ray scattering,European Physical Journal E,31(3) : 285-301 link


Scomparin, C.; Lecuyer, S.; Ferreira, M.; Charitat, T.; Tinland, B. (2009), Diffusion in supported lipid bilayers: Influence of substrate and preparation technique on the internal dynamics,European Physical Journal E,28(2) : 211-220 link


Charitat, T.; Lecuyer, S.; Fragneto, G. (2008), Fluctuations and destabilization of single phospholipid bilayers,Biointerphases,3(2) : 3 link

Jourdainne, L.; Lecuyer, S.; Arntz, Y.; Picart, C.; Schaaf, P.; Senger, B.; Voegel, J.-C.; Lavalle, P.; Charitat, T. (2008), Dynamics of poly(L-lysine) in hyaluronic acid/poly(L-lysine)multilayer films studied by fluorescence recovery after pattern photobleaching,Langmuir,24(15) : 7842-7847 link


Lecuyer, S.; Fragneto, G.; Charitat, T. (2006), Effect of an electric field on a floating lipid bilayer: A neutron reflectivity study,European Physical Journal E,21(2) : 153-159 link

Lecuyer, S.; Charitat, T. (2006), From supported membranes to tethered vesicles: Lipid bilayers destabilisation at the main transition,Europhysics Letters,75(4) : 652-658 link


Daillant, J.; Bellet-Amalric, E.; Braslau, A.; Charitat, T.; Fragneto, G.; Graner, F.; Mora, S.; Rieutord, F.; Stidder, B. (2005), Structure and fluctuations of a single floating lipid bilayer,Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America,102(33) : 11639-11644 link


Charitat, T.; Graner, F. (2003), About the magnetic field of a finite wire,European Journal Of Physics,24(3) : 267-270 link

Mecke, K.R.; Charitat, T.; Graner, F. (2003), Fluctuating lipid bilayer in an arbitrary potential: Theory and experimental determination of bending rigidity,Langmuir,19(6) : 2080-2087 link

Fragneto, G.; Charitat, T.; Bellet-Amalric, E.; Cubitt, R.; Graner, F. (2003), Swelling of phospholipid floating bilayers: The effect of chain length,Langmuir,19(19) : 7695-7702 link

Beckrich, P.; Weick, G.; Marques, C.M.; Charitat, T. (2003), Compression modulus of macroscopic fiber bundles,Europhysics Letters,64(5) : 647-653 link


Leger, L.; Hervet, H.; Charitat, T.; Koutsos, V. (2001), The stick-slip transition in highly entangled poly( styrene-butadiene) melts,Advances In Colloid And Interface Science,94(1-3, Si) : 39-52 link

Fragneto, G.; Charitat, T.; Graner, F.; Mecke, K.; Perino-Gallice, L.; Bellet-Amalric, E. (2001), A fluid floating bilayer,Europhysics Letters,53(1) : 100-106 link

Clement, F.; Charitat, T.; Johner, A.; Joanny, J.F. (2001), Self-assembled layers under flow: Stabilization by chain end exchange,Europhysics Letters,54(1) : 65-71 link


Charitat, T.; Joanny, J.F. (2000), Solid-like friction of a polymer chain,European Physical Journal E,3(4) : 369-376 link