Institut Charles Sadron
- Fouzia Boulmedais
Fouzia Boulmedais

Publications list available here or here
Boulmedais graduated from the University of Strasbourg where she received her
Ph.D. in chemistry and physical chemistry in 2003. In 2004, she worked as a
post-doc with prof. Marcus Textor at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) and with Prof.
Gleb Sukhorukhov at Max Planck Institute (Golm, Allemagne) in
electrodissolution of multilayers of polyelectrolytes. After a second post-doc
with Valérie Marchi on functionalisation of quantum dots, she was appointed
CNRS researcher at Institut Charles Sadron in Strasbourg in 2006. She obtained
her “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” in 2010.
Research interest
Nowadays, bottom-up processes of organized matter in order to design
microstructured surfaces aare a
well-established way finding an increasing number of applications in
various areas. Since I joined the CNRS
(2006), my work has been centered on the idea of developing thin coatings by
different processes involving different molecules and their application in the
biomedical field.
I have followed two research axes:
- the self-construction of polymer and polyphenol films by electrochemistry
and their application in the field of biosensors
- the study of
polyelectrolyte films, using natural and biosourced polymer, and their application in the field of
Axe 1: Electrotriggered self-construction of polymeric films.
The concept of morphogenic self-construction of films whose buildup is
triggered by the presence of a molecule, which plays the role of the
morphogens, is currently enriched. Our goal here is to develop new
chemical tools allowing generating microstructured polymeric films
exclusively at a surface by using electrochemistry. The obtained
microstructures should be totally new related to morphogenic gradients
Axe 2 :Biomaterials: the chemistry-biology interface. In collaboration with the Biomaterial and Bioengineering laboratory (INSERM UMR 1121, Strasbourg), and the
Biomaterials and inflammation in bone site laboratory (BIOS, Reims), part of our research is dedicated to the development of polyelectrolyte-based coatings or
architectures for the development of antibacterial coatings and
anti-inflammatory. In the field of biomaterials, one of the challenges
when implanting an implant is to avoid bacterial contamination that can
cause sepsis to the patient. For this purpose, we develop non-stick
coatings against bacteria but also bactericidal.

Iqbal, M.H.; Quiles, F.; Pradel, E.; Benmalek-Kehili, S.; Lancelon-Pin, C.; Heux, L.; Meyer, F.; Ploux, L.; Francius, G.; Boulmedais, F. (2023), Bactericidal and bioinspired chitin-based anisotropic layer-by-layer brushed-nanocoating,
Applied Materials Today,32() :
Omeis, F.; Boubegtiten-Fezoua, Z.; Seica, A.F.S.; Bernard, R.; Iqbal, M.H.; Javahiraly, N.; Vergauwe, R.M.A.; Majjad, H.; Boulmedais, F.; Moss, D.; Hellwig, P. (2022), Plasmonic Resonant Nanoantennas Induce Changes in the Shape and the Intensity of Infrared Spectra of Phospholipids,
Molecules,27(1) :
linkSavin, R.; Benzaamia, N.-O.; Njel, C.; Pronkin, S.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Boulmedais, F. (2022), Nanohybrid biosensor based on mussel-inspired electro-cross-linking of tannic acid capped gold nanoparticles and enzymes,
Materials Advances,3(4) : 2222-2233
linkCriado-Gonzalez, M.; Espinosa-Cano, E.; Rojo, L.; Boulmedais, F.; Aguilar, M.R.; Hernandez, R. (2022), Injectable Tripeptide/Polymer Nanoparticles Supramolecular Hydrogel: A Candidate for the Treatment of Inflammatory Pathologies,
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,14(8) : 10068-10080
linkSavin, R.; Blanck, C.; Benzaamia, N.-O.; Boulmedais, F. (2022), Optimization of Nanohybrid Biosensors Based on Electro-Crosslinked Tannic Acid Capped Nanoparticles/Enzyme,
Molecules,27(10) :
linkHernandez-Sosa, A.; Ana Ramirez-Jimenez, R.; Rojo, L.; Boulmedais, F.; Rosa Aguilar, M.; Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Hernandez, R. (2022), Optimization of the Rheological Properties of Self-Assembled Tripeptide/Alginate/Cellulose Hydrogels for 3D Printing,
Polymers,14(11) :
linkCriado-Gonzalez, M.; Runser, J.-Y.; Carvalho, A.; Boulmedais, F.; Weiss, P.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L. (2022), Enzymatically-active nanoparticles to direct the self-assembly of peptides in hydrogel with a 3D spatial control,
Polymer,261() :
linkIqbal, M.H.; Revana, F.J.R.; Pradel, E.; Gribova, V.; Mamchaoui, K.; Coirault, C.; Meyer, F.; Boulmedais, F. (2022), Brush-Induced Orientation of Collagen Fibers in Layer-by-Layer Nanofilms: A Simple Method for the Development of Human Muscle Fibers,
Acs Nano,16(12) : 20034-20043
Rodon Fores, J.; Bigo-Simon, A.; Wagner, D.; Payrastre, M.; Damestoy, C.; Blandin, L.; Boulmedais, F.; Kelber, J.; Schmutz, M.; Rabineau, M.; Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L. (2021), Localized Enzyme-Assisted Self-Assembly in the Presence of Hyaluronic Acid for Hybrid Supramolecular Hydrogel Coating,
Polymers,13(11) :
linkKrywko-Cendrowska, A.; Marot, L.; Mathys, D.; Boulmedais, F. (2021), Ion-Imprinted Nanofilms Based on Tannic Acid and Silver Nanoparticles for Sensing of Al(III),
Acs Applied Nano Materials,4(5) : 5372-5382
linkCriado-Gonzalez, M.; Wagner, D.; Iqbal, M.H.; Ontani, A.; Carvalho, A.; Schmutz, M.; Schlenoff, J.B.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2021), Supramolecular tripeptide self-assembly initiated at the surface of coacervates by polyelectrolyte exchange,
Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science,588() : 580-588
linkSeica, A.F.S.; Iqbal, M.H.; Carvalho, A.; Choe, J.-yong; Boulmedais, F.; Hellwig, P. (2021), Study of Membrane Protein Monolayers Using Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy (SEIRAS): Critical Dependence of Nanostructured Gold Surface Morphology,
Acs Sensors,6(8) : 2875-2882
Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Loftin, B.; Fores, J.R.; Vautier, D.; Kocgozlu, L.; Jierry, L.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Harth, E. (2020), Enzyme assisted peptide self-assemblies trigger cell adhesion in high density oxime based host gels,
Journal Of Materials Chemistry B,8(20) : 4419-4427
linkDubus, M.; Varin-Simon, J.; Prada, P.; Scomazzon, L.; Reffuveille, F.; Alem, H.; Boulmedais, F.; Mauprivez, C.; Rammal, H.; Kerdjoudj, H. (2020), Biopolymers-calcium phosphate antibacterial coating reduces the pathogenicity of internalized bacteria by mesenchymal stromal cells,
Biomaterials Science,8(20) : 5763-5773
linkGribova, V.; Boulmedais, F.; Dupret-Bories, A.; Calligaro, C.; Senger, B.; Vrana, N.E.; Lavalle, P. (2020), Polyanionic Hydrogels as Reservoirs for Polycationic Antibiotic Substitutes Providing Prolonged Antibacterial Activity,
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,12(17) : 19258-19267
linkCriado-Gonzalez, M.; Wagner, D.; Fores, J.R.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Chaumont, A.; Rabineau, M.; Schlenoff, J.B.; Fleith, G.; Combet, J.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2020), Supramolecular Hydrogel Induced by Electrostatic Interactions between Polycation and Phosphorylated-Fmoc-Tripeptide,
Chemistry Of Materials,32(5) : 1946-1956
linkZydziak, N.; Iqbal, M.H.; Chaumont, A.; Combes, A.; Wasielewski, E.; Legros, M.; Jierry, L.; Lavalle, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Chan-Seng, D. (2020), Unexpected aqueous UCST behavior of a cationic comb polymer with pentaarginine side chains,
European Polymer Journal,125() :
linkCriado-Gonzalez, M.; Iqbal, M.H.; Carvalho, A.; Schmutz, M.; Jierry, L.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F. (2020), Surface Triggered Self-Assembly of Fmoc-Tripeptide as an Antibacterial Coating,
Frontiers In Bioengineering And Biotechnology,8() :
linkRodon Fores, J.; Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Chaumont, A.; Carvalho, A.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L. (2020), Autonomous Growth of a Spatially Localized Supramolecular Hydrogel with Autocatalytic Ability,
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,59(34) : 14558-14563
linkIqbal, M.H.; Schroder, A.; Kerdjoudj, H.; Njel, C.; Senger, B.; Ball, V.; Meyer, F.; Boulmedais, F. (2020), Effect of the Buffer on the Buildup and Stability of Tannic Acid/Collagen Multilayer Films Applied as Antibacterial Coatings,
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,12(20) : 22601-22612
Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Corbella, L.; Senger, B.; Boulmedais, F.; Hernandez, R. (2019), Photoresponsive Nanometer-Scale Iron Alginate Hydrogels: A Study of Gel-Sol Transition Using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance,
Langmuir,35(35) : 11397-11405
linkWasilewska, M.; Adamczyk, Z.; Sadowska, M.; Boulmedais, F.; Ciesla, M. (2019), Mechanisms of Fibrinogen Adsorption on Silica Sensors at Various pHs: Experiments and Theoretical Modeling,
Langmuir,35(35) : 11275-11284
linkDubus, M.; Rammal, H.; Alem, H.; Bercu, N.B.; Royaud, I.; Quiles, F.; Boulmedais, F.; Gangloff, S.C.; Mauprivez, C.; Kerdjoudj, H. (2019), Boosting mesenchymal stem cells regenerative activities on biopolymers-calcium phosphate functionalized collagen membrane,
Colloids And Surfaces B-Biointerfaces,181() : 671-679
linkCriado-Gonzalez, M.; Fores, J.R.; Carvalho, A.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Kocgozlu, L.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2019), Phase Separation in Supramolecular Hydrogels Based on Peptide Self-Assembly from Enzyme-Coated Nanoparticles,
Langmuir,35(33) : 10838-10845
linkLutzweiler, G.; Barthes, J.; Koenig, G.; Kerdjoudj, H.; Mayingi, J.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Drenckhan, W.; Vrana, N.E. (2019), Modulation of Cellular Colonization of Porous Polyurethane Scaffolds via the Control of Pore Interconnection Size and Nanoscale Surface Modifications,
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,11(22) : 19819-19829
linkFores, J.R.; Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Schmutz, M.; Blanck, C.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Jierry, L. (2019), Protein-induced low molecular weight hydrogelator self-assembly through a self-sustaining process,
Chemical Science,10(18) : 4761-4766
linkCriado-Gonzalez, M.; Rodon Fores, J.; Wagner, D.; Schroder, A.P.; Carvalho, A.; Schmutz, M.; Harth, E.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2019), Enzyme-assisted self-assembly within a hydrogel induced by peptide diffusion,
Chemical Communications,55(8) : 1156-1159
linkFores, J.R.; Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Chaumont, A.; Carvalho, A.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Serra, C.A.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L. (2019), Supported Catalytically Active Supramolecular Hydrogels for Continuous Flow Chemistry,
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,58(52) : 18817-18822
linkSchneider, F.; Dureau, A.-F.; Helle, S.; Betscha, C.; Senger, B.; Cremel, G.; Boulmedais, F.; Strub, J.-M.; Corti, A.; Meyer, N.; Guillot, M.; Schaaf, P.; Metz-Boutigue, M.-H. (2019), A Pilot Study on Continuous Infusion of 4% Albumin in Critically Ill Patients: Impact on Nosocomial Infection via a Reduction Mechanism for Oxidized Substrates,
Critical Care Explorations,1(9) : e0044
Rammal, H.; Bour, C.; Dubus, M.; Entz, L.; Aubert, L.; Gangloff, S.C.; Audonnet, S.; Bercu, N.B.; Boulmedais, F.; Mauprivez, C.; Kerdjoudj, H. (2018), Combining Calcium Phosphates with Polysaccharides: A Bone-Inspired Material Modulating Monocyte/Macrophage Early Inflammatory Response,
International Journal Of Molecular Sciences,19(11) :
linkVauthier, M.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F.; Oliveira, J.C.; Clancy, K.F.A.; Simet, C.; Roucoules, V.; Bally-Le Gall, F. (2018), Control of Interfacial Diels-Alder Reactivity by Tuning the Plasma Polymer Properties,
Langmuir,34(40) : 11960-11970
linkLopez, L.; Kim, Y.; Jierry, L.; Hemmerle, J.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Pronkin, S.; Kotov, N.A. (2018), Electrochemistry on Stretchable Nanocomposite Electrodes: Dependence on Strain,
Acs Nano,12(9) : 9223-9232
linkFenoy, G.E.; Van der Schueren, B.; Scotto, J.; Boulmedais, F.; Ceolin, M.R.; Begin-Colin, S.; Begin, D.; Marmisolle, W.A.; Azzaroni, O. (2018), Layer-by-layer assembly of iron oxide-decorated few-layer graphene/PANI:PSS composite films for high performance supercapacitors operating in neutral aqueous electrolytes,
Electrochimica Acta,283() : 1178-1187
linkRydzek, G.; Pakdel, A.; Witecka, A.; Shri, D.N.A.; Gaudiere, F.; Nicolosi, V.; Mokarian-Tabari, P.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Ariga, K. (2018), pH-Responsive Saloplastics Based on Weak Polyelectrolytes: From Molecular Processes to Material Scale Properties,
Macromolecules,51(12) : 4424-4434
linkEl-Maiss, J.; Cuccarese, M.; Maerten, C.; Lupattelli, P.; Chiummiento, L.; Funicello, M.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2018), Mussel-Inspired Electro-Cross-Linking of Enzymes for the Development of Biosensors,
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,10(22) : 18574-18584
linkVigier-Carriere, C.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L. (2018), Surface-Assisted Self-Assembly Strategies Leading to Supramolecular Hydrogels,
Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English),57(6) : 1448-1456
Phoeung, T.; Spanedda, M.V.; Roger, E.; Heurtault, B.; Foumel, S.; Reisch, A.; Mutschler, A.; Perrin-Schmitt, F.; Hemmerle, J.; Collin, D.; Rawiso, M.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Lavalle, P.; Frisch, B. (2017), Alginate/Chitosan Compact Polyelectrolyte Complexes: A Cell and Bacterial Repellent Material,
Chemistry Of Materials,29(24) : 10418-10425
linkZahouani, S.; Hurman, L.; De Giorgi, M.; Vigier-Carriere, C.; Boulmedais, F.; Senger, B.; Frisch, B.; Schaaf, P.; Lavalle, P.; Jierry, L. (2017), Step-by-step build-up of covalent poly(ethylene oxide) nanogel films,
Nanoscale,9(46) : 18379-18391
linkFores, J.R.; Mendez, M.L.M.; Mao, X.; Wagner, D.; Schmutz, M.; Rabineau, M.; Lavalle, P.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Jierry, L. (2017), Localized Supramolecular Peptide Self-Assembly Directed by Enzyme-Induced Proton Gradients,
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,56(50) : 15984-15988
linkMaerten, C.; Lopez, L.; Lupattelli, P.; Rydzek, G.; Pronkin, S.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2017), Electrotriggered Confined Self-assembly of Metal-Polyphenol Nanocoatings Using a Morphogenic Approach,
Chemistry Of Materials,29(22) : 9668-9679
linkVigier-Carriere, C.; Wagner, D.; Chaumont, A.; Durr, B.; Lupattelli, P.; Lambour, C.; Schmutz, M.; Hemmerle, J.; Senger, B.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Jierry, L. (2017), Control of Surface-Localized, Enzyme-Assisted Self-Assembly of Peptides through Catalyzed Oligomerization,
Langmuir,33(33) : 8267-8276
linkRammal, H.; Dubus, M.; Aubert, L.; Reffuveille, F.; Laurent-Maquin, D.; Terryn, C.; Schaaf, P.; Alem, H.; Francius, G.; Quiles, F.; Gangloff, S.C.; Boulmedais, F.; Kerdjoudj, H. (2017), Bioinspired Nanofeatured Substrates: Suitable Environment for Bone Regeneration,
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,9(14) : 12791-12801
linkMutschler, A.; Betscha, C.; Ball, V.; Senger, B.; Vrana, N.E.; Boulmedais, F.; Schroder, A.; Schaaf, P.; Lavalle, P. (2017), Nature of the Polyanion Governs the Antimicrobial Properties of Poly(arginine)/Polyanion Multilayer Films,
Chemistry Of Materials,29(7) : 3195-3201
linkAlami, S.M.; Rammal, H.; Boulagnon-Rombi, C.; Velard, F.; Lazar, F.; Drevet, R.; Maquin, D.L.; Gangloff, S.C.; Hemmerle, J.; Voegel, J.C.; Francius, G.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Kerdjoudj, H. (2017), Harnessing Wharton’s jelly stem cell differentiation into bone-like nodule on calcium phosphate substrate without osteoinductive factors,
Acta Biomaterialia,49() : 575-589
linkCriado, M.; Rebollar, E.; Nogales, A.; Ezquerra, T.A.; Boulmedais, F.; Mijangos, C.; Hernandez, R. (2017), Quantitative Nanomechanical Properties of Multilayer Films Made of Polysaccharides through Spray Assisted Layer-by-Layer Assembly,
Biomacromolecules,18(1) : 169-177
linkRammal, H.; Harmouch, C.; Maerten, C.; Gaucher, C.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Voegel, J.C.; Laurent-Maquin, D.; Menu, P.; Kerdjoudj, H. (2017), Upregulation of endothelial gene markers in Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells cultured on polyelectrolyte multilayers,
Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part A,105(1) : 292-300
linkMaerten, C.; Jierry, L.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F. (2017), Review of Electrochemically Triggered Macromolecular Film Buildup Processes and Their Biomedical Applications,
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,9(34) : 28117-28138
Lavalle, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L. (2016), Soft-Mechanochemistry: Mechanochemistry Inspired by Nature,
Langmuir,32(29) : 7265-7276
linkZahouani, S.; Chaumont, A.; Senger, B.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Lavalle, P. (2016), Stretch-Induced Helical Conformations in Poly(L-lysine)/Hyaluronic Acid Multilayers,
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,8(24, Si) : 14958-14965
Maerten, C.; Garnier, T.; Lupattelli, P.; Chau, N.T.T.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2015), Morphogen Electrochemically Triggered Self-Construction of Polymeric Films Based on Mussel-Inspired Chemistry,
Langmuir,31(49) : 13385-13393
linkSeon, L.; Lavalle, P.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F. (2015), Polyelectrolyte Multi layers: A Versatile Tool for Preparing Antimicrobial Coatings,
Langmuir,31(47) : 12856-12872
linkRydzek, G.; Toulemon, D.; Garofalo, A.; Leuvrey, C.; Dayen, J.-F.; Felder-Flesch, D.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Begin-Colin, S.; Pichon, B.P.; Boulmedais, F. (2015), Selective Nanotrench Filling by One-Pot Electroclick Self-Constructed Nanoparticle Films,
Small,11(36) : 4638-4642
linkDochter, A.; Garnier, T.; Pardieu, E.; Chau, N.T.T.; Maerten, C.; Senger, B.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2015), Film Self-Assembly of Oppositely Charged Macromolecules Triggered by Electrochemistry through a Morphogenic Approach,
Langmuir,31(37) : 10208-10214
linkChaubaroux, C.; Perrin-Schmitt, F.; Senger, B.; Vidal, L.; Voegel, J.-C.; Schaaf, P.; Haikel, Y.; Boulmedais, F.; Lavalle, P.; Hemmerle, J. (2015), Cell Alignment Driven by Mechanically Induced Collagen Fiber Alignment in Collagen/Alginate Coatings,
Tissue Engineering Part C-Methods,21(9) : 881-888
linkVigier-Carriere, C.; Garnier, T.; Wagner, D.; Lavalle, P.; Rabineau, M.; Hemmerle, J.; Senger, B.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Jierry, L. (2015), Bioactive Seed Layer for Surface-Confined Self-Assembly of Peptides,
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,54(35) : 10198-10201
linkDe Leon, A.S.; Garnier, T.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F.; Munoz-Bonilla, A.; Rodriguez-Hernandez, J. (2015), Enzymatic Catalysis Combining the Breath Figures and Layer-by-Layer Techniques: Toward the Design of Microreactors,
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,7(22) : 12210-12219
linkPardieu, E.; Pronkin, S.; Dolci, M.; Dintzer, T.; Pichon, B.P.; Begin, D.; Pham-Huu, C.; Schaaf, P.; Begin-Colin, S.; Boulmedais, F. (2015), Hybrid layer-by-layer composites based on a conducting polyelectrolyte and Fe3O4 nanostructures grafted onto graphene for supercapacitor application,
Journal Of Materials Chemistry A,3(45) : 22877-22885
linkGarnier, T.; Dochter, A.; Chau, N.T.T.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2015), Surface confined self-assembly of polyampholytes generated from charge-shifting polymers,
Chemical Communications,51(74) : 14092-14095
linkRios, C.; Longo, J.; Zahouani, S.; Garnier, T.; Vogt, C.; Reisch, A.; Senger, B.; Boulmedais, F.; Hemmerle, J.; Benmlih, K.; Frisch, B.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Lavalle, P. (2015), A new biomimetic route to engineer enzymatically active mechano-responsive materials,
Chemical Communications,51(26) : 5622-5625
linkLongo, J.; Yao, C.; Rios, C.; Chau, N.T.T.; Boulmedais, F.; Hemmerle, J.; Lavalle, P.; Schiller, S.M.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L. (2015), Reversible biomechano-responsive surface based on green fluorescent protein genetically modified with unnatural amino acids,
Chemical Communications,51(1) : 232-235
linkBacharouche, J.; Degardin, M.; Jierry, L.; Carteret, C.; Lavalle, P.; Hemmerle, J.; Senger, B.; Auzely-Velty, R.; Boulmedais, F.; Boturyn, D.; Coche-Guerente, L.; Schaaf, P.; Francius, G. (2015), Multivalency: influence of the residence time and the retraction rate on rupture forces measured by AFM,
Journal Of Materials Chemistry B,3(9) : 1801-1812
Melin, F.; Noor, M.R.; Pardieu, E.; Boulmedais, F.; Banhart, F.; Cecchini, G.; Soulimane, T.; Hellwig, P. (2014), Investigating the Thermostability of Succinate: Quinone Oxidoreductase Enzymes by Direct Electrochemistry at SWNTs-Modified Electrodes and FTIR Spectroscopy,
Chemphyschem,15(16) : 3572-3579
linkCarosio, F.; Colonna, S.; Fina, A.; Rydzek, G.; Hemmerle, J.; Jierry, L.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F. (2014), Efficient Gas and Water Vapor Barrier Properties of Thin Poly(lactic acid) Packaging Films: Functionalization with Moisture Resistant Nafion and Clay Multilayers,
Chemistry Of Materials,26(19) : 5459-5466
linkSeon, L.; Parat, A.; Gaudiere, F.; Voegel, J.-C.; Auzely-Velty, R.; Lorchat, P.; Coche-Guerente, L.; Senger, B.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2014), Influence of the Interaction Strength between Supramolecular Complexes on the Topography of Neutral Polymer Multilayer Films,
Langmuir,30(22) : 6479-6488
linkReisch, A.; Roger, E.; Phoeung, T.; Antheaume, C.; Orthlieb, C.; Boulmedais, F.; Lavalle, P.; Schlenoff, J.B.; Frisch, B.; Schaaf, P. (2014), On the Benefits of Rubbing Salt in the Cut: Self-Healing of Saloplastic PAA/PAH Compact Polyelectrolyte Complexes,
Advanced Materials,26(16) : 2547-2551
Lefort, M.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F.; Benmlih, K.; Lavalle, P.; Senger, B.; Voegel, J.-C.; Hemmerle, J.; Ponche, A.; Schaaf, P. (2013), Nanosized Films Based on Multicharged Small Molecules and Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolytes Obtained by Simultaneous Spray Coating of Interacting Species,
Langmuir,29(47) : 14536-14544
linkTirado, P.; Reisch, A.; Roger, E.; Boulmedais, F.; Jierry, L.; Lavalle, P.; Voegel, J.-C.; Schaaf, P.; Schlenoff, J.B.; Frisch, B. (2013), Catalytic Saloplastics: Alkaline Phosphatase Immobilized and Stabilized in Compacted Polyelectrolyte Complexes,
Advanced Functional Materials,23(38) : 4785-4792
linkCado, G.; Aslam, R.; Seon, L.; Garnier, T.; Fabre, R.; Parat, A.; Chassepot, A.; Voegel, J.-C.; Senger, B.; Schneider, F.; Frere, Y.; Jierry, L.; Schaaf, P.; Kerdjoudj, H.; Metz-Boutigue, M.-H.; Boulmedais, F. (2013), Self-Defensive Biomaterial Coating Against Bacteria and Yeasts: Polysaccharide Multilayer Film with Embedded Antimicrobial Peptide,
Advanced Functional Materials,23(38) : 4801-4809
linkRydzek, G.; Garnier, T.; Schaaf, P.; Voegel, J.-C.; Senger, B.; Frisch, B.; Haikel, Y.; Petit, C.; Schlatter, G.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2013), Self-Construction of Supramolecular Polyrotaxane Films by an Electrotriggered Morphogen-Driven Process,
Langmuir,29(34) : 10776-10784
linkDavila, J.; Toulemon, D.; Garnier, T.; Garnier, A.; Senger, B.; Voegel, J.-C.; Mesini, P.J.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Jierry, L. (2013), Bioaffinity Sensor Based on Nanoarchitectonic Films: Control of the Specific Adsorption of Proteins through the Dual Role of an Ethylene Oxide Spacer,
Langmuir,29(24) : 7488-7498
linkReisch, A.; Tirado, P.; Roger, E.; Boulmedais, F.; Collin, D.; Voegel, J.-C.; Frisch, B.; Schaaf, P.; Schlenoff, J.B. (2013), Compact Saloplastic Poly(Acrylic Acid)/Poly(Allylamine) Complexes: Kinetic Control Over Composition, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties,
Advanced Functional Materials,23(6) : 673-682
Vrana, N.E.; Dupret-Bories, A.; Bach, C.; Chaubaroux, C.; Coraux, C.; Vautier, D.; Boulmedais, F.; Haikel, Y.; Debry, C.; Metz-Boutigue, M.-H.; Lavalle, P. (2012), Modification of macroporous titanium tracheal implants with biodegradable structures: Tracking in vivo integration for determination of optimal in situ epithelialization conditions,
Biotechnology And Bioengineering,109(8) : 2134-2146
linkChaubaroux, C.; Vrana, E.; Debry, C.; Schaaf, P.; Senger, B.; Voegel, J.-C.; Haikel, Y.; Ringwald, C.; Hemmerle, J.; Lavalle, P.; Boulmedais, F. (2012), Collagen-Based Fibrillar Multilayer Films Cross-Linked by a Natural Agent,
Biomacromolecules,13(7) : 2128-2135
linkde Saint-Aubin, C.; Hemmerle, J.; Boulmedais, F.; Vallat, M.-F.; Nardin, M.; Schaaf, P. (2012), New 2-in-1 Polyelectrolyte Step-by-Step Film Buildup without Solution Alternation: From PEDOT-PSS to Polyelectrolyte Complexes,
Langmuir,28(23) : 8681-8691
linkCado, G.; Kerdjoudj, H.; Chassepot, A.; Lefort, M.; Benmlih, K.; Hemmerle, J.; Voegel, J.-C.; Jierry, L.; Schaaf, P.; Frere, Y.; Boulmedais, F. (2012), Polysaccharide Films Built by Simultaneous or Alternate Spray: A Rapid Way to Engineer Biomaterial Surfaces,
Langmuir,28(22) : 8470-8478
linkChassepot, A.; Gao, L.; Nguyen, I.; Dochter, A.; Fioretti, F.; Menu, P.; Kerdjoudj, H.; Baehr, C.; Schaaf, P.; Voegel, J.-C.; Boulmedais, F.; Frisch, B.; Ogiert, J. (2012), Chemically Detachable Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Platform for Cell Sheet Engineering,
Chemistry Of Materials,24(5) : 930-937
linkSchaaf, P.; Voegel, J.-C.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2012), Spray-Assisted Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Buildup: from Step-by-Step to Single-Step Polyelectrolyte Film Constructions,
Advanced Materials,24(8) : 1001-1016
linkDavila, J.; Chassepot, A.; Longo, J.; Boulmedais, F.; Reisch, A.; Frisch, B.; Meyer, F.; Voegel, J.-C.; Mesini, P.J.; Senger, B.; Metz-Boutigue, M.-H.; Hemmerle, J.; Lavalle, P.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L. (2012), Cyto-mechanoresponsive Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films,
Journal Of The American Chemical Society,134(1) : 83-86
linkRydzek, G.; Polavarapu, P.; Rios, C.; Tisserant, J.-N.; Voegel, J.-C.; Senger, B.; Lavalle, P.; Frisch, B.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Jierry, L. (2012), Morphogen-driven self-construction of covalent films built from polyelectrolytes and homobifunctional spacers: buildup and pH response,
Soft Matter,8(40) : 10336-10343
linkRydzek, G.; Parat, A.; Polavarapu, P.; Baehr, C.; Voegel, J.-C.; Hemmerle, J.; Senger, B.; Frisch, B.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2012), One-pot morphogen driven self-constructing films based on non-covalent host-guest interactions,
Soft Matter,8(2) : 446-453
Trenkenschuh, K.; Erath, J.; Kuznetsov, V.; Gensel, J.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Papastavrou, G.; Fery, A. (2011), Tuning of the Elastic Modulus of Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films built up from Polyanions Mixture,
Macromolecules,44(22) : 8954-8961
linkLefort, M.; Boulmedais, F.; Jierry, L.; Gonthier, E.; Voegel, J.C.; Hemmerle, J.; Lavalle, P.; Ponche, A.; Schaaf, P. (2011), Simultaneous Spray Coating of Interacting Species: General Rules Governing the Poly(styrene sulfonate)/Poly(allylamine) System,
Langmuir,27(8) : 4653-4660
linkGensel, J.; Betthausen, E.; Hasenoehrl, C.; Trenkenschuh, K.; Hund, M.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Mueller, A.H.E.; Fery, A. (2011), Surface immobilized block copolymer micelles with switchable accessibility of hydrophobic pockets,
Soft Matter,7(23) : 11144-11153
linkMjahed, H.; Cado, G.; Boulmedais, F.; Senger, B.; Schaaf, P.; Ball, V.; Voegel, J.-C. (2011), Restructuring of exponentially growing polyelectrolyte multilayer films induced by salt concentration variations after film deposition,
Journal Of Materials Chemistry,21(23) : 8416-8421
linkKerdjoudj, H.; Boulmedais, F.; Berthelemy, N.; Mjahed, H.; Louis, H.; Schaaf, P.; Voegel, J.C.; Menu, P. (2011), Cellularized alginate sheets for blood vessel reconstruction,
Soft Matter,7(7) : 3621-3626
linkRydzek, G.; Jierry, L.; Parat, A.; Thomann, J.-S.; Voegel, J.-C.; Senger, B.; Hemmerle, J.; Ponche, A.; Frisch, B.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F. (2011), Electrochemically Triggered Assembly of Films: A One-Pot Morphogen-Driven Buildup,
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,50(19) : 4374-4377
Popa, G.; Boulmedais, F.; Zhao, P.; Hemmerle, J.; Vidal, L.; Mathieu, E.; Felix, O.; Schaaf, P.; Decher, G.; Voegel, J.-C. (2010), Nanoscale Precipitation Coating: The Deposition of Inorganic Films through Step-by-Step Spray-Assembly,
Acs Nano,4(8) : 4792-4798
linkEl Haitami, A.E.; Thomann, J.-S.; Jierry, L.; Parat, A.; Voegel, J.-C.; Schaaf, P.; Senger, B.; Boulmedais, F.; Frisch, B. (2010), Covalent Layer-by-Layer Assemblies of Polyelectrolytes and Homobifunctional Spacers,
Langmuir,26(14) : 12351-12357
linkMjahed, H.; Voegel, J.-C.; Chassepot, A.; Senger, B.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Ball, V. (2010), Turbidity diagrams of polyanion/polycation complexes in solution as a potential tool to predict the occurrence of polyelectrolyte multilayer deposition,
Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science,346(1) : 163-171
linkJierry, L.; Ben Ameur, N.; Thomann, J.-S.; Frisch, B.; Gonthier, E.; Voegel, J.-C.; Senger, B.; Decher, G.; Felix, O.; Schaaf, P.; Mesini, P.; Boulmedais, F. (2010), Influence of Cu(I)-Alkyne pi-Complex Charge on the Step-by-Step Film Buildup through Sharpless Click Reaction,
Macromolecules,43(8) : 3994-3997
linkZahn, R.; Boulmedais, F.; Voeroes, J.; Schaaf, P.; Zambelli, T. (2010), Ion and Solvent Exchange Processes in PGA/PAH Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Containing Ferrocyanide,
Journal Of Physical Chemistry B,114(11) : 3759-3768
linkRydzek, G.; Thomann, J.-S.; Ben Ameur, N.; Jierry, L.; Mesini, P.; Ponche, A.; Contal, C.; El Haitami, A.E.; Voegel, J.-C.; Senger, B.; Schaaf, P.; Frisch, B.; Boulmedais, F. (2010), Polymer Multilayer Films Obtained by Electrochemically Catalyzed Click Chemistry,
Langmuir,26(4) : 2816-2824
linkLefort, M.; Popa, G.; Seyrek, E.; Szamocki, R.; Felix, O.; Hemmerle, J.; Vidal, L.; Voegel, J.-C.; Boulmedais, F.; Decher, G.; Schaaf, P. (2010), Spray-On Organic/Inorganic Films: A General Method for the Formation of Functional Nano- to Microscale Coatings,
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,49(52) : 10110-10113
linkDubacheva, G.V.; Dumy, P.; Auzely, R.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Jierry, L.; Coche-Guerente, L.; Labbe, P. (2010), Unlimited growth of host-guest multilayer films based on functionalized neutral polymers,
Soft Matter,6(16) : 3747-3750
linkGuillaume-Gentil, O.; Graf, N.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Voeroes, J.; Zambelli, T. (2010), Global and local view on the electrochemically induced degradation of polyelectrolyte multilayers: from dissolution to delamination,
Soft Matter,6(17) : 4246-4254
Laugel, N.; Boulmedais, F.; El Haitami, A.E.; Rabu, P.; Rogez, G.; Voegel, J.-C.; Schaaf, P.; Ball, V. (2009), Tunable Synthesis of Prussian Blue in Exponentially Growing Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films,
Langmuir,25(24) : 14030-14036
linkDif, A.; Boulmedais, F.; Pinot, M.; Roullier, V.; Baudy-Floc’h, M.; Coquelle, F.M.; Clarke, S.; Neveu, P.; Vignaux, F.; Le Borgne, R.; Dahan, M.; Gueroui, Z.; Marchi-Artzner, V. (2009), Small and Stable Peptidic PEGylated Quantum Dots to Target Polyhistidine-Tagged Proteins with Controlled Stoichiometry,
Journal Of The American Chemical Society,131(41) : 14738-14746
linkEl Haitami, A.E.; Martel, D.; Ball, V.; Nguyen, H.C.; Gonthier, E.; Labbe, P.; Voegel, J.-C.; Schaaf, P.; Senger, B.; Boulmedais, F. (2009), Effect of the Supporting Electrolyte Anion on the Thickness of PSS/PAH Multilayer Films and on Their Permeability to an Electroactive Probe,
Langmuir,25(4) : 2282-2289
linkMjahed, H.; Voegel, J.-C.; Senger, B.; Chassepot, A.; Rameau, A.; Ball, V.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F. (2009), Hole formation induced by ionic strength increase in exponentially growing multilayer films,
Soft Matter,5(11) : 2269-2276
Malcher, M.; Volodkin, D.; Heurtault, B.; Andre, P.; Schaaf, P.; Moehwald, H.; Voegel, J.-C.; Sokolowski, A.; Ball, V.; Boulmedais, F.; Frisch, B. (2008), Embedded silver ions-containing liposomes in polyelectrolyte multilayers: Cargos films for antibacterial agents,
Langmuir,24(18) : 10209-10215
linkRoullier, V.; Grasset, F.; Boulmedais, F.; Artzner, F.; Cador, O.; Marchi-Artzner, V. (2008), Small Bioactivated Magnetic Quantum Dot Micelles,
Chemistry Of Materials,20(21) : 6657-6665
linkGrieshaber, D.; Voeroes, J.; Zambelli, T.; Ball, V.; Schaaf, P.; Voegel, J.-C.; Boulmedais, F. (2008), Swelling and Contraction of Ferrocyanide-Containing Polyelectrolyte Multilayers upon Application of an Electric Potential,
Langmuir,24(23) : 13668-13676
Arntz, Y.; Ball, V.; Benkirane-Jessel, N.; Boulmedais, F.; Debry, C.; Dimitrova, M.; Elkaim, R.; Haikel, Y.; Hemmerle, J.; Lavalle, P.; Meyer, F.; Muller, S.; Ogier, J.; Schaaf, P.; Senger, B.; Stanic, V.; Tenenbaum, H.; Vautier, D.; Vodouhe, C.; Volodkin, D.; Voegel, J.-C.; Werner, S. (2007), Polymers in biomaterials science: from surface functionalisation to tissue engineering,
Actualite Chimique,(310) : 20
linkMertz, D.; Hemmerle, J.; Boulmedais, F.; Voegel, J.-C.; Lavalle, P.; Schaaf, P. (2007), Polyelectrolyte multilayer films under mechanical stretch,
Soft Matter,3(11) : 1413-1420
Tezcaner, A.; Hicks, D.; Boulmedais, F.; Sahel, J.; Schaaf, P.; Voegel, J.C.; Lavalle, P. (2006), Polyelectrolyte multilayer films as substrates for photoreceptor cells,
Biomacromolecules,7(1) : 86-94
linkBall, V.; Michel, M.; Boulmedais, F.; Hemmerle, J.; Haikel, Y.; Schaaf, P.; Voegel, J.C. (2006), Nucleation kinetics of calcium phosphates on polyelectrolyte multilayers displaying internal secondary structure,
Crystal Growth & Design,6(1) : 327-334
Lavalle, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Ball, V.; Mutterer, J.; Schaaf, P.; Voegel, J.C. (2005), Free standing membranes made of biocompatible polyelectrolytes using the layer by layer method,
Journal Of Membrane Science,253(1-2) : 49-56
linkVodouhe, C.; Schmittbuhl, M.; Boulmedais, F.; Bagnard, D.; Vautier, D.; Schaaf, P.; Egles, C.; Voegel, J.C.; Ogier, J. (2005), Effect of functionalization of multilayered polyelectrolyte films on motoneuron growth,
Biomaterials,26(5) : 545-554
Richert, L.; Boulmedais, F.; Lavalle, P.; Mutterer, J.; Ferreux, E.; Decher, G.; Schaaf, P.; Voegel, J.C.; Picart, C. (2004), Improvement of stability and cell adhesion properties of polyelectrolyte multilayer films by chemical cross-linking,
Biomacromolecules,5(2) : 284-294
linkBoulmedais, F.; Frisch, B.; Etienne, O.; Lavalle, P.; Picart, C.; Ogier, J.; Voegel, J.C.; Schaaf, P.; Egles, C. (2004), Polyelectrolyte multilayer films with pegylated polypeptides as a new type of anti-microbial protection for biomaterials,
Biomaterials,25(11) : 2003-2011
Boulmedais, F.; Ball, V.; Schwinte, P.; Frisch, B.; Schaaf, P.; Voegel, J.C. (2003), Buildup of exponentially growing multilayer polypeptide films with internal secondary structure,
Langmuir,19(2) : 440-445
linkBoulmedais, F.; Bozonnet, M.; Schwinte, P.; Voegel, J.C.; Schaaf, P. (2003), Multilayered polypeptide films: Secondary structures and effect of various stresses,
Langmuir,19(23) : 9873-9882
linkDebreczeny, M.; Ball, V.; Boulmedais, F.; Szalontai, B.; Voegel, J.C.; Schaaf, P. (2003), Multilayers built from two component polyanions and single component polycation solutions: A way to engineer films with desired secondary structure,
Journal Of Physical Chemistry B,107(46) : 12734-12739
Boulmedais, F.; Schwinte, P.; Gergely, C.; Voegel, J.C.; Schaaf, P. (2002), Secondary structure of polypeptide multilayer films: An example of locally ordered polyelectrolyte multilayers,
Langmuir,18(11) : 4523-4525