Institut Charles Sadron News

Publié le 06/01/2021 par Drenckhan Wiebke

Marina Pecora joined the MIM team of ICS in September 2020 as associate professor in Section 60 (mechanics). She teaches at the Faculty of Physics and Engineering of the University of Strasbourg. After her graduation in mechanical engineering in Italy, Marina prepared a PhD at the DPMM of ENSMA in Poitiers between 2015 and 2018. The subject ofher thesis work was the development of an instrumented indentation method for the characterization of polymer materials. This method has been applied to the characterization of the effects of thermo-oxidative ageing on polymer and polymer-matrix composite materials used in aeronautics. She continued her research activities as a post-doc in collaboration between the Pprime Institute and Safran Aircraft Engines. Her researches at the ICS will focus on the mechanical characterization of polymers at different scales and on the development of new experimental techniques.