Institut Charles Sadron BJC

  • “Cafés du BJC” – takes place at the ICS cafeteria every second Friday at 10 am. These moments enables you to interact with other ICS personnel and discuss while enjoying a coffee, tea and some sweets.
  • The Newcomers welcoming dinner – takes place during the month of November in a bar or restaurant at the city center and all PhD students and post-docs are invited.

  • The Pumpkins Carving to celebrate Halloween in a funny way and to decorate the cafeteria

  • The Christmas Party

  • The International Lunch set in the cafeteria, the goal of which is to bring and share a culinary specialty and celebrate the ICS diversity.

  • The Pancake Day in February to celebrate the Chandeleur together
  • A blind test in order to evaluate your musical knowledge.
  • The ICS day in June with some presentations of PhD students during the morning and some funny activities during the afternoon!
  • The football tournament because it is always good to have fun together while doing sport!